I dated a dozen guys through online dating apps such as Hinge, Tinder and Bumble. It didn’t work out but I have no complaints

I dated a dozen guys through online dating apps such as Hinge, Tinder and Bumble. It didn’t work out but I have no complaints

But then there was Mr Comedian Extraordinaire, who had me laughing so hard I couldn’t breathe; Mr Gentleman, who always made sure I got home safely, no matter how late it was; Mr Family First, who didn’t hesitate to introduce me to his parents and share his world; Mr Philosophical Dreamer, who could talk for hours about life, the universe, and everything in between; Mr Be Here, This Time, This Place. One of the best dates was an easy and interesting guy from England β€” we walked around the city ’til 1am. Then there was Mr 6β€²8. Kindhearted and enthusiastic, we went on seven dates and he had me playing Taylor Swift’s All Too Well on repeat for months after our relationship ended.


No doubt I’m Miss Something in someone else’s story.In most cases, the dates ended on a good note, and I’ve even made some lasting friendships. Just the other week, I caught up with a guy I had dated, and played board games with him and his family.

If you go into dating thinking this is it, I’m going to meet β€œthe one”, it can quickly turn into an exhausting, mildly depressing marathon. Most of the people I’ve met haven’t exactly been a match β€” and that’s fine. I’m 19, and while I’m open to pursuing something serious if I meet someone I really like, I’m not about to force a relationship just for the sake of it.

My year of online dating has made me realise that the best way to learn about yourself is to learn about others. Every date, every connection, adds something to my storyβ€”no time wasted, just lessons and experiences gained.

Lucia Frazzetto is a Melbourne student aiming for a future in social work.

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